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Fundamental Beliefs 

1. The Triune God.- we believe in one eternally existent, infinite God, Sovereign of the universe; that He only is God, creative and administrative, holy in nature, attributes, and purpose; that He, as God is Triune in essential being, revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirity.

2. Jesus Christ . - we believe in Jesus Christ, the second person of the Triune Godhead; that he was one eternally with the Father; that he became incarnate, born of Virgin Mary, so that two whole and perfect natures, are thus united in one person. Very God and very man. We believe that Jesus died for our sins, that he arose from the dead and took again His body, and ascended into haven and is now engaged in intercession for man.

  • 3. The Holy Spirit.- We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Triune Godhead, that He is ever present and efficiently active in and with the Lord’s Church, convincing the world of sin, regenerating those who repent and belive, sanctifying believers, and guiding into all truth as it is in Jesus.
  • 4. The Bible.- We believe in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, by which we understood the books of the Old and New Testament we give by divine inspiration, inherently revealing the will of God concerning us in all things necessary to our salvation.
  • 5. Original Sin. – We believe that original sin is that corruption of the nature of all offpring of Adam, by reason of which everyone is far gone from original righteousness or the pure state of our first parents at the time of their creation, is averse to God, is without life and inclined to evil.
  • 6. Atonement .- We believe that Jesus Christ, by his suffering, by the shedding of his own blood, and by his vicarious death on the cross, made a full atonement for human sin, and that this atonement is the only ground of salvation, and that it is sufficient for every individual from Adam  on.
  • 7. Free Agency . - We believe that man’s creation in God’s likeness included the ability to choose between right and wrong, and that thus he was made morally responsible. We also believe that the grace of God through Jesus Christ is freely given to all man, enabling all who will to turn from sin to righteousness.
  • 8. Repentance .- We believe that repentance, which is a sincere and thorough change of mind in regard to sin, involving a sense of guilt and a voluntary turning away from sin, is demanded of all man, for we are all sinners and have come short of the glory of God.

  • 9. Second Coming of Christ .- We believe that Lord Jesus Christ will come again; and that we who are alive at His coming shall be caught up with those who are dead in Christ, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. We also believe that this event known as the rapture, is only first stage of the second coming of the Lord. We believe that seven years after this event, the Lord will come back to earth, with His Saints, and establish His kingdom.

10. Resurrection  Judgment, and Destiny.- We believe the resurrection of the dead, that the bodies of the just and the unjust shall be arise to life and reunite with their spirits. “They that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” We believe in the future judgement in which every man shall appear before God to be judged according to his deeds in this life. We believe that glorious and everlasting life is assured to all those who accept the Lord Jesus Christ as saviour in this life.

  • 11. Baptism.- We believe that Christian baptism is a sacrament signifying acceptance of the benefits of the atonement of Jesus Christ, to be administered to born again believers as a declaration of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior, and full purpose of obedience in holiness and righteousness. Baptism may be administered by immersion  Baptism is not an act of salvation, but is to be administered after salvation. We do not believe in infant baptism. We so, however, believe in the dedication of infants to the Lord but this dedication does not relieve the child of the responsibility of making his own choices of accepting salvation or rejecting it. Baptism shall be done in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holly Ghost.

  • 12. The Lord’s Supper.- We believe that the Communion Supper instituted by the Lord Jesus is essentially a new Testament sacrament, declarative of His sacrificial death, through which believers have life and salvation and promise of all spiritual blessings in Christ. It is distinctively for those who are prepared for earnest appreciation of its significance and by it they show faith the Lord’s death till He comes again.

  • 13. Divine Healing .- We believe in the Bible doctrine of divine healing, as it is written in the book of James, chapter five, verses thirteen through fifteen. And urge our people to seek and to offer prayer for the healing of the sick.
  • 14. Spiritual Gifts.- We believe the Bible was written for us today, as well as for the first century church, therefore, we believe in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Any gift given by the Holly Spirit may be exercise , as long as its is in order with the scriptures.
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